Hello. I've been on holiday recently. It was lovely, thank you for asking. This meant I spent a week looking at a sunlit sea, occasionally wandering to get another drink. I wrote a few things, the first of which I'd like to share with today. I'll put the others up as and when I get bored with editing them. You see, I also read a fair bit on holiday. One of the things I read was last couple of novel's of Raymond E. Feist's epic fantasy known as The Riftwar Cycle. Magician the first book, was one of the things that made me decide "Oh, I actually do like reading." Finishing it, and leaving the world's of Midkemia and Kelewan behind felt weird. Now, you humans can - I'm told- experience feelings without resorting to scribbling doggerel. I choose not to. So this poem is called "End of Series", and it goes thusly:
End of Series
The last page is turned,
The last chapter finished.
We leave our friends
Whose text-forged lives we've cherished
To continue on without us.
Other victories wait them.
Other loves through which to sing.
Other armies to command.
Other regimes to safeguard
Against the demon legion.
We've loved our times together,
We cheered them through their darkest hours,
But now the pen is still,
The bardic voices silent,
And now they must carry on
Without their paperbacked cheerleaders.
Thirty years the printed word has praised them,
Ten lifetimes more they'll have my adoration.
But no more the press will know them,
No more will ink on metal sing their tales.
These characters who led me from my adolescence
Through goblin strife and elven grace
Continue on to blissful summers
Without my reading eyes to share their laughter and their tears.
I'll re-read their wins and their losses,
But the first time has been and gone.
A rediscovery is not the same
As the first time you turned that first fantastic page.
One hopes you're well,
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