You Gotta Have Friends
Three Point Two Seconds of My Daily Internal Monologue
I don’t like me, never
have, probably never will.
You might say that’s
silly but still,
I think I’m a prick.
Not a nice idea, but
I think it’s true because it really seems to stick
. Normally it doesn’t
matter because this is great and you’re great and Hey look! I’ve got a beer.
But at other times
it’s painfully clear.
A law of existence,
Indefatigable in its
Something that gives
the world its tick –
Matter’s made from
stardust and I’m a fucking prick.
You ask:
“Why don’t you go
into your own head and figure out what’s up?”
Now, there’s the rub.
See, my brain is like
a night club:
Slightly sticky, a
little manic,
Full of booze and if
I spend more than ten minutes there
Liable to make me
You see, I don’t
think I’m a real person –
There are other
problems but this is the worst one.
I’m a grey, insipid
figure in a series of shoddy masks –
Things that I change
depending on the task.
There’s this one for being
This for being smart,
This one for being
And this for trying
to share my heart –
Which never works
Because why
Would you buy
Something which even
The seller,
Don’t believe is
worth it?
But the real bugger
Is no matter what I mutter
Or shout
I would not be
My precious masks,
My poorly-painted
papier-mâché shields.
For when I’m out in
the field
And whichever mask I’m
wearing happens to slip,
Even just a bit
I lash out with
flailing verbal hits
Because I’m scared
That it’s only the
masks I wear
That give me any
But there are bad
days and good days,
And I’m not in the
worst of it right now
And if you’ll kindly
let me,
I’d like to tell you
I can make me feel
like shit,
So it follows I’m a
But if I am a prick, then
why on earth
Do I even listen to me?
The world is full of
pricks who do and say things I don’t like,
But I don’t listen to
I just turn up the
heavy metal and have another pint.
But the main reason I
can cope
And life seems mostly
Is that although I
don’t like me,
Others do
So at least the job
gets done.
One hopes you're well,