Why Can't I Sleep?
Is it: the hastily
scrawled essays hanging Damoclean above my pillow, waiting to be marked and,
free from light, stringy restraint, to plunge?
Is it: disappointment
at unwon kudos cavorting in orcish glee, jabbing with gouging pikes of
self-doubt and unreal, fever-dreamed success?
Do mind and soul rush
down untrod roads, hoping to catch a glimpse of some unknowable, unseen
monument to my greatness?
No. ...
So why can’t I sodding
well SLEEP?
Why do thoughts spin
and make me nauseous?
Why do visions of
beauty and joy frolic, teasing, out of focus, of reach, of sound?
Why do my eyes swim
with sights of one met but barely met, known but unfamiliar?
All so similar to
angsty dross, so in need of exorcising, of recognising it for what shit it is.
You don’t love her –
because you don’t know her! That’s why! You’ve hardly met!
And yet...
And yet it IS an
intriguing thought – one which one ought to dismiss as idle fancy.
But if you act she
MIGHT accept or at least not laugh full derisive in your face.
Mark this place and
seek HER face to ask, to test, to see –
What that face does
to me – it’s a buzz, you see; a joy for me
One quick smile and
this boy is floored by she who hoards my dreams and keeps them.
Let her keep them.
Or perhaps we could
share them, be a pair, then, and all content lie back and stare ten hours at
stars and lights and at each others’ eyes and talk of all the things we ought
to have done but didn’t.
We didn’t because I
wouldn’t, not if I had the time with you: I couldn’t - I’d be ensnared and
scared to tread on this joyous bubble and be befuddled when this flimsy hope
takes my weight and takes on shape and becomes reality. That would be really
quite Okay for me.
But for now
I dream.
But still don’t
One hopes you're well,